Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today on the Farm

Hi everyone! Today my dad took some of my younger siblings to buy a truck of fire wood. We unloaded it in our garage all the way to the ceiling! Then we spent the rest of the morning making my grandma's special salsa. We cored tomatoes, then cooked them and peeled off their skin. We used a colander to get the seeds out and we added some other veggies. We canned the spicy salsa the rest of the morning. All of the fruits and veggies that went into it were grown in our garden. This afternoon we went outside and picked pears. Then we went inside and cleaned them. I showed my younger sisters how to take the green tops off of strawberries with a straw. Later my mom and I cleaned off the table and we had grilled cheese as a late lunch. 
I love art and using different mediums to draw and I just got some new charcoal pencils! In my free time I drew a few sketches of horses. In another post I'll put on some pictures of my artwork.
So anyway, it has been a BUSY day and I'm ready for supper!

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