Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dells & the House on the Rock

This weekend our girl scout troop headed to Wisconsin Dells. We spent Saturday at Kalahari's indoor water park and theme park. I had so much fun! We went on every water slide and my dad even went on a few. The scariest water slide in the water park was called the Screaming Hyena. First you climbed up a huge tower 5 1/2 stories high. Then you stand in a glass capsule, kind of like the one Katniss stands in before the Hunger Games, with your hands above your head and your legs crossed. You can hear a heartbeat pulsing through the capsule and then it starts counting down...3...2...1! Next the floor falls out from under you and you fall almost straight down the 5 1/2 stories you just climbed up. My dad was the first to go down the Hyena. He was so scared. It was hilarious!
On Sunday we went to the House on the Rock near Spring Green, Wisconsin. The House was built inside a hollow chimney of limestone rock by Alex Jordan in the 1940s. If you are interested in amazing architecture, interactive museums, music, automated orchestras, the world's largest carousel, collections, airplanes, music, old cars, or pretty much anything else you would love the House on the Rock.  I think little kids would get bored during some of the tour but they would definitely love the giant carousel. It was the most amazing building I've ever been in.
My favorite part was the thousands of hand-carved carousel horses that were lining every wall of two huge rooms. The infinity room was another really cool part of the house. Inside of the infinity room it seems like the room goes on forever and never ends even though it does eventually.
Other parts of the House and the collections around it were the Gate House, the Mill House,  the Streets of Yesterday, The Heritage of the Sea, the Tribute to Nostalgia, Music of Yesterday, the Spirit of Aviation, The World's Largest Carousel, The Organ Room, the Doll House Collection, the Circus Collection, the Oriental Room, the Armor Collection, the Weapons Collection, the Crown Jewel Collection, the Doll Carousel, and the 3 beautiful gardens outside. There was soooo much to see. We spent 5 hours looking around the place. I loved it. I wish I could live there.
So I had a really fun weekend with the girl scout troop and I hope you decide to check out the House on the Rock and the Dells sometime soon!

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