Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Blog Ever!!!

In the Boots of a Farm Girl

Me and Allison (with my brother and my grandma's dog in the background)

Hey Everybody! 

My mom just started homeschooling me this school year and this blog is my Language Arts assignment. Hopefully I'll get a good grade and have fun too!
 Here's a little bit about me. My name is Hanna. I live on a farm in Northeast Iowa with my mom, dad, and six younger siblings. Our initials spell out HA HA HA H and our dog, Allison, completes our family acronym with an extra A. On my 7th birthday, my parents gave me a black and white kitten who I named Boots. I now have over 30 cats and kittens descended from my first kitty-cat. I also have a slow, old pony named Patches. My littlest sister rides around the farm on him. I've always wanted a real horse that I can ride and show at the fair. Hopefully I can get the horse I really want, a Palomino mare named Fancy Lady, for my birthday, which is coming up this month. I'm going to pay for Fancy with my own money. All I have to do is earn enough money to buy her. Wish me luck!
In my blog, I'll tell you about things that are going on around the farm, events that are happening around our area, and I might have some updates about my mission to buy myself a horse!

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